Terms & Conditions

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General Provisions

The following conditions are valid exclusively between SHERKAN S.R.L.S. ( successively called “Wholesalecbdplants”) and any client that buys from the shop online wholesalecbdplants.eu (successively called “Final User”). These conditions can be modified, and the publishing date will equal the date in which the law came into effect. The following conditions regulate the purchases made on the website wholesalecbdplants.eu, in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Code, D.lgs. n. 206/2005, modified by D.lgs. n. 21/2014 and by D.lgs. n. 70/2003 in the field of e-commerce.

Essential matter of the contract

With the following general sales conditions, The Wolf of Cbd sells and the Final User purchases at a distance, the goods offered on the website wholesalecbdplants.eu. The contract is concluded exclusively on the internet, though the access of the Final User on the website wholesalecbdplants.eu and the realization of a purchase according to the procedure provided by the site itself.

The Final User is committed to read the following conditions, before confirming his order. In particular the pre-contract information provided by The Wolf of Cbd, and to successively accept them through the affixing of a flag in the indicated box.
In the order confirmation email, the Final User will receive the link to download and file a copy of these general conditions of sale, as expected from art. 51 comma 1 of D.Lgs 206/2005, modified by D.lgs 21/2014.

Consumer’s pre-contract informations

The Final User before concluding the acquisition contract, visualizes the goods characteristics that are illustrated in each Data sheet.
Before concluding a purchase agreement and before confirming an order with the “obligation to pay” the Final User is informed to:

  • – Total Price, including taxes and fees;
  • – payment methods;
  • – the time span in which The Wolf of Cbd is committed to delivering the goods
  • – conditions, terms and procedures to exercise the right of withdrawal (art. 6 of the following conditions) the standard form of withdrawal referred to in the attachment I, part B of D.lgs 21/2014;
  • – the Final User will have to sustain the costs of returning the goods, in case of withdrawal;
  • – existence of a legal guarantee of compliance for the goods purchased;
  • – conditions of assistance post sales and commercial guarantees provided by The Wolf of Cbd;

The Final User can always acknowledge the informations relative to The Wolf of Cbd, as shown below:

SHERKAN S.R.L.S. – VAT ID: 14878231001 – Via Villafranca, 12 – 00185 Roma (RM) – Italy– email: info@thewolfofcbd.com

Conclusion and effectiveness of the Contract

The sales contract is considered concluded once a confirmation email is sent from The Wolf of Cbd to the Final User. This email contains the info of the Final User, reference number, purchase price of the goods, quantity of goods purchased, costs of shipping and shipping address.

Successively, the Final User will receive another email showing the status of the order and the tracking number to monitor the location of the order.

The Final User commits to verifying if the personal info are correct and to communicate promptly to The Wolf of Cbd eventual corrections.

The Wolf of Cbd commits to describing and presenting in the best way possible the products sold on the website. The pictures found on wholesalecbdplants.eu do not establish a contractual element,since they are only representative.

The Wolf of Cbd commits to deliver the goods in 5 working days, starting from when the email is sent from The Wolf of Cbd to the Final User.

Products Availability

Products availability refers to what is the actual availability at the moment the final user makes the order. Such availability has to be considered merely indicative, since, if there are multiple users on the website at the same time, those products could have been sold to other final users before confirming the order.

Even after the confirmation email sent by The Wolf of Cbd, there could be a case of partial or total unavailability of the product. In this case the order will be corrected automatically with the elimination of the unavailable product, and the final user will be immediately notified by mail.

Prices and fees

All the product’s sale prices are indicated on wholesalecbdplants.eu and are expressed in Euros, excluding VAT.
Costs of shipping are not included in the purchase price, but will be added at the end of the process of purchase, before making the payment.

The Final User will accept the ability of The Wolf of Cbd to modify its prices at any time, however the goods will be billed according to the prices indicated on the website when the order was made and indicated by the confirmation email sent by The Wolf of Cbd to the Final User.
If an informatic, manual, technical or a mistake of any sort makes a substantial change, not expected by The Wolf of Cbd, in the sale price, which will make it outrageous and clearly ridiculous, the purchase order will be considered not valid and will be cancelled. The amount paid by the Final User will be reimbursed within 14 days from the order cancellation.

In addition, the Final User can use discount coupons and discount codes found in our social media channels or other communications channel of The Wolf of Cbd.

Right of Withdrawal

According to the legal provisions in force, the Final User has the right of withdrawal without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within the 14 days from when the products have been received.

The Final User that wants to exercise this right, will have to communicate it to The Wolf of Cbd through an explicit declaration, that will be sent via email to info@thewolfofcbd.com or through a registered letter to the address given below.
If the right of withdrawal is exercised, the Final User needs to return the goods within the 15 days from the day that The Wolf of Cbd has been contacted with the request of withdrawal under the art. 57 del D.lgs 206/2005.

The goods need to be returned to SHERKAN S.R.L.S. – VAT ID: 14878231001 – Via Villafranca, 12 – 00185 Roma (RM) – Italy.

Costs related to returning these goods are charged to the Final User.
These goods need to be returned not damaged, in the original packaging, complete in all its components without any damage to the package itself, the label, or the tamper-proof seal. If the above instructions are followed, The Wolf of Cbd will reimburse fully the amount for the products subject to withdrawal, within a maximum of 14 days, excluding costs related to returning these goods.
As expected from the art. 56 comma 3 of D.Lgs 206/2005, modified from D.lgs 21/2014, The Wolf of Cbd can hold on to reimbursing the Final User, until the goods are returned or until the Final User shows proof that he has returned the goods.
The Wolf of Cbd will exercise the reimburse using the same payment method chose by the Final User at the moment of purchase.

Legal Guarantee of Compliance

If the Final User receives the products damaged, he/she will have the right to substitute the goods with no additional costs. The final user can exercise such right only if the damage is reported at the moment of delivery and file a complaint to The Wolf of Cbd within 2 days.
Successively,the Final User will have to proceed to the return request sending an email to info@thewolfofcbd.com or on the website wholesalecbdplants.eu at the “contact us” page. The Wolf of Cbd in the case that the products are damaged, will provide, at their own expenses, to organize the return of the product, according to the disponibility of the Final User.

Delivery Methods

The Wolf of Cbd will only accept orders to deliver in Italian or European territory.
These products will be delivered by an express courier to the address indicated by the Final User, within 24-48 hours in Italian territory and 4-5 business days in Europe from the date of the confirmation email sent by The Wolf of Cbd to the Final User.
For each order made on the website wholesalecbdplants.eu, the Final User can request an invoice of the goods purchased, sending an email to info@thewolfofcbd.com with all the info and VAT number specifying in the object “INVOICE REQUEST” (ex art. 22 comma 1 DPR 633/72 e succeeding changes).


The Wolf of Cbd does not assume any responsibility for any disruption due to force majeure or an accidental event. Furthermore, even if related to internet malfunctions, in the event that it fails to execute the order within the time provided by the contract.

Website Access

The Final User has the right to access the website for the consultation and the purchase of the products. It is not allowed to access for any other use of the website and its content. In addition, the integrity of the elements in this website, that are sonorous or visual, and the relative technology used, remain the property of The Wolf of Cbd and are protected by the intellectual property law.

Various Provisions

The following General Sales conditions are constituted by the totality of the clauses that compose them.
Furthermore, if one or more disposition of the following General Sales conditions is considered not valid or declared such in accordance to the law and to regulation or following a decision by a court having jurisdiction, the other provisions will continue to have full force and effectiveness.

Competent Law and Jurisdiction

The following General Sales conditions are regulated by the Italian law.

Every controversy that won’t find a friendly solution will be regulated by the Court of Rome.

In each case, it’s possible to appeal to the mediation procedures, referred to D.lgs 28/2010, for the resolution of eventual controversies arising from the interpretation and the execution of the following sales conditions by accessing the following website: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr.

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